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Shapestry Workshops

Birthday Party 

Team Building

or just wanna be creative?

Try a Shapestry Workshop!

$32-35 per person

Each workshop begins with a demonstration of the Shapestry style with a Geometer template.

Next, we practice on paper, exploring combining shapes into different designs.

Once you're ready, switch to fabric pens, pick a hat and start decking out your own custom lid!

It might sound daunting, but it really isn't! No artistic prowess needed

All hats are washable, and the whole process takes about 1-2 hours

I'll bring the materials, you just need some creative spirit and patience :) 


Workshop size: 4-8*

Ages 7+

Note: on your first class, only white hats are available

On your next class, you can switch to white ink and a Dark hat, but it's waaaaaaay harder to use

*Hat price based on hat selection 

(yuupong, flexfit, Fedora)

*Class sizes of < 4 are great! But it's requested

a Shapestry Hat is ordered :)

Feel free to email me at

if you have any questions!

Pick out out a hat, sketch a practice design, and get drawing and making a crazy sick pattern on your custom hat. Shapestry will provide all materials, so all you need to...
Shapestry Hat Drawing Workshop
2 hr
$32-35 per person*
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